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Need to connect 50skills to third party systems such as Slack and Workplace? Here are the guides!
Workplace by Meta (Facebook) and 50skills integration
Signet Integration
Taktikal Integration
Signet cosigners
Taktikal cosigners
Tímon integration
Contract setup in 50skills
How to connect Asana with 50skills
How to connect HR Monitor with 50skills
H3core bulk edit H3 information
Send out employee contracts and get e-signatures with Getaccept and 50skills
How do I enable an integration with Slack?
Hvernig tengi ég 50skills við Þjóðskrá Íslands?
How to send referral links with Slack?
MyTimePlan setup and create users from 50skills
How to create a Signet contract
MyTimePlan setup
Move applicants from Hire system to Journeys
Connect 50skills Hire (hiring system) to Journeys
Setting up SSO with Azure and 50skills Hire