After you have finish setting up the connection between Hire and Journey you can now start moving hired applicants over to Journeys as travellers.
Move a single applicant to a journey
When viewing the application choose "Journeys" section and "Add to Journey" button then choose the journey name to send this traveller to.
Now you need to fill out some information which is necessary for this particular journey. All required fields must be filled out to be able to move the applicant over to Journeys system, others are optional to fill out.
These fields have been defined at the Journeys end.
Before submitting you can turn on the toggle so the journey will start automatically when traveller is added to the journey.
Status of a journey in Hire system
In Hire system now you can see up to date the journey status of this traveller as Not started, In progress or Completed
Add applicant to more journeys
You can also add this applicant to more journeys if needed by clicking on "Add to journey"
Journeys view
After the transfer the traveller is now in the Onboarding journey and ready for a amazing journey ahead.
Bulk move applicants to a journey
It is also possible to bulk move many applicants to a journey in the pipeline view and applicants view
In the Pipeline view you can move all applicant in certain stage by clicking on the three dots at the top of the stage and choose "Add to Journey"
In Applicants view you can select the applicants or use some filtering like by "Status is Hired " choose them all - click on "Bulk actions" button and choose "Add to Journey"