Whenever you onboard a new hire, you can select a task list that specifies a list of action points required to be executed before the new hire starts working.
Creating a new task list
You can create and maintain all task lists in the Templates section, which can be found through your Profile - Company settings - Templates.
In Templates you have to choose the "Task" section. You can create a new task list by clicking on the button "New tasklist template" in the top right corner.
You can also edit and delete existing ones by clicking on the three dots to the right of the task list.
Inside each task list you can drag and drop to re-order, add new task or delete one.
Each task list you create here is now selectable from the onboarding section for a newly hired candidate.
Setting a task list for a newly hired person
After a candidate has been hired he appears in the Onboarding section where you can choose what Task list to use from the drop-down.
You can always switch task lists, but remember that the check-boxes will then be cleared as the list is reset.