In order to find the best applicants and reduce the risk of any bias, we keep the applicant information neatly tied together. The applicant detail view is broken into 5 sections
Contact details
After selecting a candidate you are presented with the detail view seen below
From the highlighted Application section, HR and other relevant employees can:
See a parsed CV previewed automatically
See answered questions from the application form
Download CV for further processing
Here admin users can discuss and collaborate on the candidate, tag other employees for additional feedback and keep a history of the process.
The Connections section shows a list of all employees that are connected to the candidate through any social-media he decided to link his application with
Here you can see that the candidate is connected to two employees of the hiring program through Facebook e.g. they are friends on Facebook.
This section allows users to give a simple vote on the candidate for a simple overview of how the collaborators like the candidate.
Contact details
Here all personal information and contact details are kept. Especially useful if direct contact is requested.