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Applicants list view

List view of all applications

Helga Kolbrún Magnúsdóttir avatar
Written by Helga Kolbrún Magnúsdóttir
Updated over a week ago

It is important to be able to view and sort candidates, that's why we have a view which helps with just that.

By default the candidates are sorted in a descending order where the newest ones are placed at the top.

The view also shows:

  • When they applied

  • At what stage they are currently located at in the recruitment process

  • How many ratings they have received from HR collaborators

  • Number of social-media connections within the hiring company

From the options list you can also

  • Send an e-mail to the candidate

  • Delete the candidate permanently from this job-ad. Note that this does not mean that the candidate has been marked as rejected and will not send a notification of any kind to the candidate.

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